
Hooray!! We have completed a whole yearly circle! However, I’ve gotten a little behind in my recording of our blessings. I do love this blessing, there are so many activities to do and who can’t help but love pace egging! We did three lots of it!




Our lovely eggs were coloured with Glob natural dyes purchased from Spiral Garden. They are beautifully bright colours.

We had lots of yummy food too, we loved our eggnog at Yule so much we had to make more (and such an appropriate drink!) we also made delicious palmiers and of course Eostre biscuits. We ate our coloured eggs too.


The sourdough hot cross buns were delicious too as well as the chocolate truffle eggs.

We also made our own Eostre chocolates and the kids each received an Eostre paper mâché egg filled with them. We decided to paint them this year rather than use tissue paper and we happy with our brightly coloured eggs.



Hail the Eostre maid most fair
Bright maid of dawn be you blessed
Receive our gifts as we receive yours


We’re celebrating Eostre today with two other families.


These are some goodies we're taking with us.

Hail Day, hail Day’s sons
Hail Night and daughters of Night
With kind eyes look down upon us and grant to us sig.
Hail the gods, hail the goddesses
Hail the bountiful earth!
Goodly wisdom and speech bespeak we from you,
And healing hands in this life


As we begin to prepare for Eostre this weekend I like to sit & reflect on what is going on in the garden & outside and how I might bring this to the children. It’s great to see the days getting longer & warmer! The buds are really swelling now & we’ve got blossom out on our nectarine tree. The chooks are laying really well too – half a dozen eggs a day!

We’ve started our paper mâché Eostre eggs that I will fill with gifts.

We’ve also begun to make our egg candles. I have to decide if I should break the shells off or leave them. They do look pretty with the shells left on – it really glows with the wick lit. I’m debating whether to glue some tissue paper around them too – I might try one tomorrow & see if it has a good effect.
